Legacy Yarn Club: What is it?
Something that has grown tremendously in the past few years is our Legacy Yarn Club. If you’re part of the yarn club, you know all about the subscription, but if you haven’t signed up, this will give you a better understanding of what is included in the box.
The Legacy Yarn Club debuted in 2017. Ben and his wife Carissa were on a road trip where lots of good ideas that come to mind with the miles passing by and the idea to start an exclusive club that showcases the wonderful ability for custom yarn production was born. We figured a subscription box that featured custom yarn blends, unique colorways in our premium bases, as well as new patterns all at a discount from retail prices was a great idea.
The club is always being adapted based on feedback from our valued customers. Here is what we currently include in each subscription box:
• 2 (sometimes 3) skeins of 100% USA made, ranch traceable wool and wool blend yarns, milled and spun here in Buffalo, Wyoming at our production facility
• 1 unique pattern (some our custom designed by our partner designers and some are pairings with other good patterns that are out there)
• Coupon code with substantial discounts for other MMW online products
• Bonus items depending on the kit. Some examples include a bonus skein, accessories (needles/pins/etc) or other items such as a felting needle, roving, ect.
• A piece of gourmet candy produced from a bee farm in Lovell, Wyoming, “Queen Bee Gardens”
• Free shipping
• Exclusive newsletter content with tips, pattern support, etc
Our subscription boxes are shipped every other month starting in February. There are 3 different subscription prices and discounts (each shipment is valued at a $57 Retail Value):
1. Pay as you go: $51.99 - 9% off retail value. Automatically renewing month-to-month and you can cancel anytime
2. 3 box subscription $143.49 - 16% off retail value
3. 6 box subscription at $255.79 - 25% off retail value
This fun and unique subscription yarn club is a great gift for a friend or loved one, and will ensure you have projects to last you throughout the year! We also have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you don’t like it, just ship it back and we’ll exchange it for any similar valued yarn listed on our website.
Is there any way of getting in touch with Kathleen Buckley who wrote the pattern for the Cowboy Joe Travel Pillow? I received it in 2021 as part of the legacy yarn club (yarn and pattern) and am having trouble with what she is calling Mosaic Knitting.
How do you subscribe to it?
I have enjoyed being part of this yarn club. I have tried other ones and I really like this one the best. I love the fact it’s your own fiber and also it’s a unique pattern. Some of the patterns are well know pattern people, like Andrea Mowry but sometimes you would never pick out that particular pattern for various reasons, and if you don’t like it you can send it back! I find it to be challenging and since I used to live in Wyoming which I love, it reminds me of the beautiful places I traveled to while living there. Thank you so much for taking the time to make this yarn club something special.
I’ve been a member of the yarn club for more than a year and there’s only one project I declined to take. I love the quality of the yarn and my favorite colors so far are russet and denim; the best red and blue I’ve seen.
I love being part of the Legacy Yarn Club. The projects have been fun to create. It was my gift to me after retiring from my job of 40 years as a Respiratory Therapist.
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