Mountain Meadow Wool is located at the foot of the Big Horn Mountains in Buffalo, Wyoming. We welcome visitors of all ages to a personal tour through our Mill and Gift Shop. You will learn the entire process from shorn raw wool to the beautifully hand dyed finished yarn that is our end product. Visitors will take a self-guided tour on our upper mezzanine looking down on the production floor to learn how wool is washed, dried, combed, spun and hand dyed. Afterward there is an opportunity to purchase natural, quality products made with our yarn.
Tour Hours - NEW! Self-guided anytime our retail store is open!
Year-round Hours: Mon-Fri 9 am - 5pm
Saturdays: 9am-2pm
CLOSED: New Years Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas
For groups with more than 15 people.
If you have a group of 15 or more you can schedule your tour. Scheduled group tours are guided tours. A member of the management team here at Mountain Meadow Wool will take your group through each area of the mill's operation so you can experience everything that happens here.

100% American Made & Wyoming Grown
Created with eco-friendly operations and fair prices for our ranchers.