A day in the life of a wool mill operator (Ben) - where did my day go?

Experience a unique look into the wool processing journey with Ben, a wool mill operator whose day is packed with unexpected challenges and shifting tasks. From family routines in the early morning to managing production demands and accommodating surprise visitors, Ben’s workday is anything but predictable. This glimpse offers valuable wool processing information through Ben’s experiences, revealing the dedication and adaptability required to keep the mill running smoothly, where every moment contributes to transforming raw wool into quality products.


5:15PM – I found my cup of coffee from this morning sitting next to a sewing machine I had sat down to try and fix earlier today and wondered to myself “what happened to my day”

Sometimes I wish for a life where I have my day planned, things go according to schedule, I start the day with a task list and I end it with all those items crossed off…. But that doesn’t seem to be my reality so lets rewind….

10:00PM (night before)– wrestling with anxiety about many tasks I need to do tomorrow.  I’m hoping for a 2am waking from slumber feeling very rested (I do this weird thing where if I wake up early in the morning feeling very rested I just go into work and then come home for breakfast getting a great 4-5 hrs of un-distracted work done but I rarely set an alarm as life with kids presents plenty forced wake ups as it is… therefore if my body is rested and I wake up great!... if not then either the sun or the kids will do the job for me)

5:30AM – lying in bed thinking about going to work but the house is still really quiet and I think to myself… maybe today the kids will all sleep-in if they don’t hear the floor boards creaking as I tip-toe out the door to go to work….

6:30AM – they are still sleeping!  Yeah! But….. my mind is racing with the dozens of tasks I have at work and I decide to make the brave (or foolhardy) attempt to sneak past the kids’ bedrooms

6:32AM – I hear a small stampede of footsteps on the floor above me…. Surprise! Everyone’s awake and my 4 yr old says with a smile “Dada I heard the stairs creaking and I came downstairs to find you!” My 2 year old is still rubbing sleep out of her eyes and my wife (pregnant with #3) sleepily smiles and slumps onto the couch obviously feeling more tired now than when she went to bed the night before

Ben's family

7:30AM Chickens are fed, garden is watered, and I leave the house with lots of blown kisses from little hands at the side of the driveway.  Whew! Morning routine went better than normal 😊

7:40AM I’ve arrived at work and preparations for day 1 of post-COVID retail store opening begin in earnest and I tackle a couple key production questions for the day ahead before things get crazy.

9:30AM respond to Thursday/Friday emails from the previous week that remained unanswered and read a blog from a rancher we work with who suffered a severe brain injury falling from a stack of hay when feeding her sheep.  A good reminder that sometimes our troubles pale in comparison to others. 

9:50AM – first customers arrive and are asking for our brand new (COVID friendly self-guided tour)…. Only problem is the self-guided part isn’t quite ready…. I tell my employees I’ll take care of guiding the “self-guided” tours today.

10:10AM – whew… I have a lot of work to do to truly make the tour self guided and I have a whole new appreciation for museums that convey great information via signs/displays/etc. 

10:30AM – I have a bunch of wool masks to make and the sewing machine used to finish the ends has been acting up…. Maybe now I’ll get a chance to implement the solution I was thinking about all weekend…AND maybe I’ll get to sip a cup of coffee in the process 😊

10:35AM – Ben…”someone is here to see you”…..

11:15AM - ….”thanks for coming in Rancher A”…. “oh hi Rancher B what brings you in today”…..

12:30PM – …”well Rancher B thanks for coming in”

12:31PM – “oops….. I told my wife I’d be home for lunch at 11:30…I better get going”

I’ll just say this about the 2 hrs from 10:30-12:30… I hope that someday I will continue to operate with the principle that our time is the best gift we can give someone and to be hospitable to the unexpected guest is a key aspect of recognizing the dignity in each person…. But I’ll admit… sometimes it makes me a bit stressed about the dozens of things I had to push back till later

1:15PM – I sit down and immediately standup as another “self-guided” tour has arrived

2:00-PM – my dad arrives (he does most of our construction projects) with supplies to make our stairs safer for visitors (handrails etc)

2:05PM – Ben…”someone is here to see you”…. another unexpected visitor (parish priest from neighboring city).  …. It is good to be fully present to those we meet in person and so I am grateful for the opportunity to practice that.

3:00PM – hurriedly tackle some urgent email correspondence needed to coordinate the logistics of some exciting new machinery being delivered

3:35PM – Ben…”someone is here to see you”…. another unexpected visitor (well at least I knew the visit would be this week).  A wool delivery from a great rancher we’ve worked with for years and some good visiting about updates on life since the last time we met (a year ago). 

5:15PM – sipping some cold coffee – tidying up the email correspondence on the machine delivery – and thinking about the things I need to do tomorrow…fix that sewing machine… 😊 


  • Nancy E Gillespie

    Privilege to know you all! You are doing a good thing. Reading your account of where did your day go, deeply touching. Love you all. Sharing with all my knit nut friends! Long live Mountain Meadow Wool Milll and all involved. You are doing such good. God bless you!

  • Asher Sinclaire

    This is an amazing story and wonderful dedication to transparency! Thank you for the inspiration Ben 💚🐑

  • Suzanne Biamonte

    Life moves so fast when we are working so hard to keep up to work. Hard to stop an d enjoy the very essence of everyday rituals. Thx for sharing your busy day. Brightness comes into our minds in many ways. Blessings 🙏🏼

  • Marianne Sherman

    Having had the honor of seeing things grow and prosper since the early days of the mill it was fun to read your busy days doings. You guys have the best yarn any knitter could want. I knitted the all who wanders cowl from you kit. What fun that was. Next I’ll be ordering the bison cowl hope the ten percent discount will help a bit on the price. I have also knitted a cardigan for my father in law I used Jackson natural color wool. He was a sheep rancher so he really loved that cardigan. He has since passed away so now my life partner owns it. Unfortunately the sleeves are way too long. I hope to see you and Karen in the not too distant future.

  • Catherine Wissner

    I have a similar schedule between my day job which supports my sheep and ranch habit, but it’s all good and gives us reasons to keep going. Looking forward to picking up my roving and getting a tour of your amazing facility. It’s important to support Wyoming business.

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